VistaDB 6
VistaDB / How does VistaDB work? / Physical Database File Storage
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    Physical Database File Storage
    In This Topic

    Large Storage Capacity

    VistaDB databases support up to 4TB of data with 64,000 tables, 1,024 indexes per table and 4 billion rows per table.  Additional storage capacity includes 4GB of data per row, individual Varchar(Max) fields can store up to 4GB of data per row (see pagesize limits), millions of columns per table and over 1,000 indexes per table.

    The current implementation is limited in practice by the hardware of the machine and limits imposed by the OS.  For example it's infeasible to put a 2 TB database on a machine with 512 MB of RAM. There are no hard limits enforced by the engine; it's recommended that your application be tested to see if your targeted environment can handle the size of your data. The schema of the database, table schema, and indexes will change the footprint for each application..

    There can also be limits based on the CPU mode your application is running in.  If the hosting application is built as a 32 bit EXE the database will also load in 32 bit mode.  In this mode there is only 1.5 GB of memory available for data in the entire process (including all Virtual Memory).  This means that VistaDB usually has a much smaller area for RAM due to other memory being used within your process.

    Unicode Support

    VistaDB allows developers to build internationalized applications that support single and double byte character sets through our extensive Unicode support.  In general, VistaDB supports the same UNICODE flexibility as SQL Server.

    Column Attributes


    VistaDB databases can be encrypted using FIPS-compliant AES encryption.  When encrypted, the entire database including data, schema, and procedures is encrypted.

    High-Speed Indexes

    VistaDB allows you to create multiple types of high-speed indexes:

    Additional Database Features

    See Also