VistaDB 6
VistaDB / Developer's Guide / How To Perform Common Tasks / How To - Check for a Bad Encryption Key (Password) at Load Time
In This Topic
    How To - Check for a Bad Encryption Key (Password) at Load Time
    In This Topic

    Working with an Encrypted Database

    Setting an Encryption Key on a VistaDB database is not the same thing as putting a password on an Access file. The encryption key is used to encrypt every block on disk with VistaDB. This can lead to a 30% or more performance slowdown due to every page having to be encrypted and decrypted when it is loaded or written to disk. User level access control passwords are application logic that you should implement in your Application. The database engine does not handle user access control concepts.

    Loading a database with the wrong password set will cause an Exception to be generated.

    Catch the exception and look for error 116 (VistaDB.Diagnostic.Errors.dda_EncryptionKeyInvalid) in the exception list.

    The following C# and VB.NET example demonstrates how to do this.

    Checking Encryption Key
    Copy Code
    using System;
    using VistaDB;
    using VistaDB.Provider;
    namespace OpenEncrypted
        class Program
            static void Main(string[] args)
                    using (VistaDBConnection dbconn = new VistaDBConnection("Data Source=C:\\test.vdb6;Password=WRONG"))
                        // Do something here
                catch (VistaDB.Diagnostic.VistaDBException ex)
                    // You could also check for the value 116 here
                   if( ex.Contains(VistaDB.Diagnostic.Errors.dda_EncryptionKeyInvalid))
                        Console.WriteLine("BAD Encryption Key Given");
    Checking Encryption Key
    Copy Code
    Imports VistaDB
    Imports VistaDB.Provider
    Module Module1
        Sub Main()
                Using dbconn As VistaDBConnection = New VistaDBConnection("Data Source=C:\\test.vdb6;Password=WRONG")
                    ' DO something here
                End Using
            Catch ex As VistaDB.Diagnostic.VistaDBException
                ' You could also just look for 116 here
                If ex.Contains(VistaDB.Diagnostic.Errors.dda_EncryptionKeyInvalid) Then
                    Console.WriteLine("ERROR: Bad Encryption Key given")
                End If
            End Try
        End Sub
    End Module 
    See Also