VistaDB 6
VistaDB / Developer's Guide / CLR Stored Procedures and Functions / Calling CLR Procedures and Functions Overview
In This Topic
    Calling CLR Procedures and Functions Overview
    In This Topic

    There are multiple ways to call CLR Procs

    This topic discusses how to call methods in a CLR Assembly as CLR Functions and CLR Procedures. See the CLR Proc Overview for a high level overview of CLR Procs in general. Make sure you have loaded the CLR Assembly into the database, and Registered the CLR Methods, before doing the steps below.

    SQL CLR Functions and Procedures are slightly different

    CLR SqlFunctions are the simplest to call because they are meant to modify data like a column or aggregate function. This means you can call them simply by using them in a SELECT statement and the results are returned as a part of the rowset.

    CLR SqlProcedures are not quite as easy because all of the results should be returned through parameters. The setup of the parameters is different in SQL and CLR code.

    Calling using ONLY SQL

    See the topic on Calling CLR Code using SQL Script

    Calling using

    See the topic on Calling CLR Code using ADO.Net objects

    See Also