VistaDB 6.5

Latest Releases: Loupe 5.0.46 (12/15/2023) | VistaDB 6.5.2 (11/29/2023) | Other Versions

Release Notes

Article ID: R1308 Last Updated: 11/29/2023 11:44 PM
Published: 11/29/2023 11:44 PM Updated By:
Summary Full release of VistaDB 6 with support for .NET 8.0, encrypted backups, and fixes for known issues.


New Features in This Release

.NET 8.0 Support Added, .NET 5.0 Removed.

The VistaDB NuGet packages now include builds for .NET 8.0. 

The build target for .NET 5.0 has been removed to avoid warnings generated by some build tools when short term support platforms are included.

Compressed Encrypted Database Backups

VistaDB now supports making a backup of an encrypted database that is compressed.  Normally, encrypted data can't be compressed (because the encryption makes the data appear random, defeating compression algorithms).  This makes it difficult to distribute large, encrypted databases in installations and requires more disk space for backups.  VistaDB now has a built-in method to compress a database to make a compressed copy of the database as a separate backup file that is still encrypted.

The built-in backup feature has some built-in protection to ensure the database isn't modified by VistaDB while the backup is running. 

Backups can be restored via the API as well to a new database file.  For more information, see How To - Backup and Restore a Database.

Log Improvements

The SQL LOG function in VistaDB now accepts a second argument to specify an alternative base to the default Natural Log (base e), matching SQL Server's behavior.

Round Improvements

The SQL ROUND function in VistaDB now accepts an optional third argument to specify truncation, matching SQL Server's behavior.

The truncation setting will truncate to the decimal place you specify instead of rounding.

Breaking Changes

The SQL ROUND function in VistaDB was implemented by using the .NET Math.Round feature which rounds the midpoint (e.g. 4.5) towards even (e.g. 4.0) by default whereas the TSQL spec is to round away from zero.  With the changes to support the alternative truncation behavior we are also correcting the midpoint-rounding behavior to better match the SQL Server behavior.  Applications that were relying on the .NET Math.Round behavior should review their TSQL.

Issues Fixed in 6.5

We're now sharing our internal defect tracking number as part of each resolved issue so you can associate these items with information provided by our support team. The number indicated is assigned by our work item tracking system, so gaps in sequence typically reflect other tracked items (like user stories, features, etc.) or defects that were introduced and resolved within the release.


  • Issue 825 Fixed: ROUND function incorrectly rounds midpoint towards even (the default in .NET) rather than rounding midpoint away from zero as standard in SQL Server. See Breaking Changes note above.
  • Issue 997 Fixed: SMALLINT Identity columns fail upon INSERT with an error: Specified cast is not valid.

Data Migration Wizard

  • Issue 1099 Fixed: Command-line use of Data Migration Wizard fails to parse specified passwords if they start with a / or - character.

Known Issues

Visual Studio

  • Extension Doesn't Automatically Install If Visual Studio is Running: If any instance of Visual Studio 2017 or later is running when the installation runs the VistaDB extension will not automatically install into Visual Studio.  To manually install, double-click VistaDB.VSDesigner.15.vsix (for Visual Studio 2017 / 2019) or VistaDB.VSDesigner.17.vsix (for Visual Studio 2022) in the C:\Program Files (x86)\Gibraltar Software\VistaDB 6\Bin directory (by default)

Applies To

VistaDB version 6.5.2

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